Thursday, February 2, 2012

Water by the Cup Full

So, for the past few years I've had this complete fascination with large bodies of waters. I see a big lake, or a river, or the ocean, and I'm just completely amazed at how much water is there. And I always ask myself, if I took a cup, and scooped it full of water, how many scoops would it take for me to even make the water level drop the tiniest bit? It just completely perplexes me how much water there is right there in front of me. The amount just seems immeasurable. Today I went for a run in Chattanooga, and I ended up running across the bridge, which of course goes over the river. And I stop in the middle and just stare out at all the water. Let me tell you, its a lot. I wish I had a good camera, so I could take pictures for my blog... but I'll find one of what I was looking at....

It's not the best picture. Nor is it really necessary, you've all seen bodies of water. But this is the area I was at basically. And as I was standing there thinking of all this, this verse came to mind:

Isaiah 40:12
"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,
Measured heaven with a span
And calculated the dust of the earth in a measure?
Weighed the mountains in scales
And the hills in a balance?"

God could easily measure the waters in His hand, and the best I could come up with was a pathetic little cup?? It's a very humbling thought to know that there are things that you can simply not accomplish under you own power. There are things that I am just much too finite to do, such as measuring the Tennessee river with a little cup. I could scoop for a lifetime and I would never get anywhere. The river would just keep on flowing like nothing had happened. I do not have the power to conjure the waters into my hand and measure them, but our God does.

So if anyone is in desperate need of a humility check, I encourage you to grab you a cup, go to the nearest body of water, and scoop until you realize that your own power is not sufficient for the task. But, I'll leave you with this promising verse!

Matthew 17:20-21
So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."

Even in our weakness, our God is a provider of great strength. Where you would think your abilities end, the Lord will supply the rest to accomplish His will. So I encourage you to be in prayer, have faith, and experience the blessings of our Lord.

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